There may be more standing between the old hag Nancy Pelosi and the Speaker’s gavel than the electorate.

Pelosi has now become so toxic and so clearly on the edge of dementia that the whispers of opposition to her iron-fisted control of House Democrats are becoming shouts and the loudest of those voices belongs to the New York Times editorial department.

In an unprecedented act of fratricide, the normally friendly paper of record set off the Fourth of July fireworks a few days early with a call for nutty Nancy and her lieutenants to step down and turn the keys over to younger Democrats.

The left has been smitten with their own Cinderella story of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old socialist who toppled Pelosi loyalist Joe Crowly in the primary that shook the world last Tuesday.

The political left has been buoyed by the “enthusiasm” of their rage mobs and has big ideas for the future but first, the old guard must be swept away and nobody is more emblematic of the entrenched vampires than Pelosi.

Democrats are supposed to be the party of the future, the forward-looking party, the party of youth and progress. That spirit is hard to convey with a House leadership team that looks uniformly and dramatically like the past. 

The following is excerpted from “Make Way for Young Democratic Leaders”:

Whatever its larger meaning or impact, Representative Joseph Crowley’s stunning loss to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in last Tuesday’s primary election already has set off one tremor within the Democratic Party: It has thrown House leadership into chaos.

Mr. Crowley is chairman of the Democratic caucus, making him the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House. He also was the heir apparent to the minority leader, Nancy Pelosi. Ms. Pelosi, now 78, has herded Democratic cats for nearly 16 years and has made clear her desire to stay put if the party wins back the majority in November. But she’s expected to face a serious challenge to her rule after the election, whether or not the party reclaims the majority. A swelling segment of Ms. Pelosi’s caucus — especially younger lawmakers — feel it is time for a change, and at least 20 Democratic candidates have pledged not to support her for leader if they win their races.

But with the loss of Mr. Crowley, who was a relative young ’un in the Democratic leadership, at age 56, House Democrats have nothing even approaching a backup plan. This has set off a fresh round of hand-wringing and squabbling — privately, if not publicly — about when a new generation will get a chance to lead, and who should be the face of that leadership. This is hardly a useful distraction during a high-stakes election year. But it’s a situation for which Ms. Pelosi has only herself to blame.

For too long, this regime has clung to power at the expense of future leaders.


The cadaver class isn’t going to simply surrender their grip on political power and many of Pelosi’s peers are pushing back against the young Turks.

Via The Hill:

Some septuagenarian House Democrats have a message for their younger colleagues clamoring for a spot at the leadership table: Age ain’t nothin’ but a number.

Democrats in their 70s have started pushing back against some of the more youthful members of the Democratic Caucus who are making noise about launching leadership bids in the wake of Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley’s stunning primary loss last week to 28-year-old Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York.

Older lawmakers argue that just because Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.), 78, and her top lieutenants are getting up there in years doesn’t mean they’re not progressive or effective. Instead, they say it’s their decades of experience fighting in the trenches on a range of issues — from the gender pay gap and gun control to LGBT rights — that make them the right ones to lead the fight against President Trump and the Republicans.

“If we get back the House, Nancy Pelosi deserves to be the speaker,” said Rep. Lois Frankel (D-Fla.), a Pelosi ally. “She is leading this effort to get these candidates elected. She is barnstorming the country. She is helping to fashion the message.”

Bernie’s Bolsheviks have arrived and they aren’t going to be satisfied until Pelosi and the elders have been purged.

Obama’s true legacy is one of ashes now that the party is self-immolating in what will be a ruinous civil war in which the socialists have now seized the initiative.